胎压传感器OE替换件(替代件) NXP 单轴芯片 软件烧录

NXP’s FXTH87 family of tire pressure monitoring sensors (TPMS) is a fully integrated 7 x 7 mm package footprint on the market which is 40% smaller than NXP’s previousgeneration QFN 9 x 9 mm package. It also provides the low transmitting power consumption (less than 8 mA Idd),
large customer memory size (8 kB) and unique dual-axis accelerometer architecture. NXP’s TPMS solution integrates an 8-bit microcontroller (MCU), pressure sensor, XZ-axis or Z-axis accelerometer and RF transmitter.
NXP’s portfolio can support cars and light trucks with pressure ranges of 100–500 kPa and 100–900 kPa. It can also support heavy trucks or buses with pressure range of 100–1800 kPa. These TPMS markets are mainly regulation driven with new mandates, resulting in significant growth. NXP continues to produce TPMS products that meet the latest mandates with ease to accommodate customer requirements.